7 Ways to Be More Masculine: Feel Great and More Attractive

how to be more masculine

We take to talk about something serious, my friend…

Are y'all a wolf, or a lapdog?

Put differently, are you a true masculine man? Or do you accept the looks of a human being but the characteristics of a woman?

Now don't get me incorrect when I throw around words similar being a man or a woman. But i thing is certain.

Masculinity is dying out. Or maybe worse: put to sleep.

In this article you will learn how to regain your inner human being:

  • How to get a human and what information technology Actually ways to be a man
  • Why feminists HATE masculinity (for the wrong reasons)
  • How to increase masculinity + why it is your DUTY to do so (Spoiler: Society needs information technology!)
  • Why a beast slumbers within you and how you lot awaken it
  • What YOUR chore is as a man and how yous fulfill information technology responsibly
  • The best teachers to get a potent and competent man
  • And much more than tips on how to exist more than masculine

By the style, have you seen my free Transformation Kit?

Y'all'll get my all-time stuff admittedly free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.

A maddafakkin wolf…

And this maddafakkin wolf one time had a gigantic territory. He populated the unabridged Northern Hemisphere – from Mexico to North Africa, Arabia and India. In fact, it was once considered the most widespread mammal.

Glory days.

How are things today?

Today, the wolf either stayed truthful to his maddafakkin wolfhood, and is threatened by extinction. Or he had Sauron requite him 1 of the 9 rings of emasculation, and he mutated.


To a lapdog.

On the one hand, it'south very cute. Only on the other hand, it'south a tragedy.

What happened to the majestic wolf?

Why can you lot simply see lapdogs with that innocent, naive look on their faces?

Take they forgotten where they came from?

Masculine evolution: Is masculinity dying out?

In case yous haven't noticed:

The wolf served as my charming metaphor for masculinity.

I am enlightened that I dramatized it a chip. Yes, masculinity is in crisis. That much is certain.

Just no, masculinity will not die out. Our society could not afford that. Information technology is needed only equally much as femininity is needed.

Yin and yang, bi*ches!

I have been working every bit a dating coach for almost a decade now. I have worked with thousands of men. Besides, I've walked the world with my optics wide open.

So I tin tell you what I'grand observing on a regular basis:

Few men are connected to their accurate masculinity…

… and that is why they suffer.

Of course, I requite unlike and specific dating tips, simply if I had to greatly simplify the advice I give most men, it would look like this:

  • "I dare not speak to her. " > be a man
  • "I don't know what to say. " > be a homo
  • "What's the best way to finish it?" > be a man
  • "How exercise I avert the Friend Zone?" > be a man
  • "How do I get over her?" > exist a homo

Over again, I'1000 oversimplifying. Just this raises questions like:

What does it actually hateful to be a man?


How to be masculine?


In this article yous will find the answer to these questions as well as the wolf in you lot.

>>15 Tips to Charm a Woman and then She'll Give You Her Heart.

How to be manly? What it means to be a man

When you walk through the world equally a human with eyes wide open, you lot notice that society is subtly pointing a condemning finger at masculinity.

The term "toxic masculinity" is used regularly.

Many act equally if men alone are to blame for all the negative events in history.

At that place are more than a handful of movies or commercials that nowadays masculinity as a gigantic problem (such every bit the Gillette commercial).

But don't worry, it's not so bad.

The shrill voices of extreme feminists who demonize masculinity are just so loud…

… that all the beautiful and sensible voices of the majority of women are barely audible.

And the majority of women yearn for your manhood.

If you knew how many women reach out to me maxim that they love my noble chore, or thanking me because their husband has become more masculine nether my supervision, your optics would curl out of your head.

Makes you lot wonder:

"What practise these feminists take against masculinity?"

Well, actually, they don't take anything against it.

The problem is that they exercise not understand what masculinity really is.

They think masculinity ways:

  • Plundering
  • Raping
  • Beating up old ladies
  • Brushing your teeth with beer
  • Burping each other in the face

But that's non manly, that'south just pathetic…

(I am not completely innocent when information technology comes to the last two points… What tin can I say, at the end of the day, I'm only human.)

Masculinity is often confused with evil, the devil or Mordor.

>>How To Satisfy a Woman in Bed: 7 Tips for Breathtaking Orgasms.

But to be a real homo ways to every man with dignity:

  • Existence able to stay at-home when anybody else panics
  • Believing in yourself when others doubt you, simply all the same welcome their doubting
  • Being hated without having to hate back
  • Wanting something unconditionally, and being patient at the same time
  • Being able to tell the truth and deal with information technology
  • Existence able to serve a male monarch without making yourself pocket-size
  • Having values and integrity
  • Being able to LEAD yourself and others
  • Being able to own your feminine side without judging yourself
  • Having the urge to created safe spaces for women
  • Being decisive and nevertheless open up to the fact that you could be completely incorrect
  • Having demands on yourself and others

Practice all this and y'all volition be a real man.

From lapdog to wolf to become a real human

I get on the subway and I come across in men's faces exactly what I ever see…

The naive Simba look:

Men with the purple Mufasa wait are rare creatures:

He seems so much stronger and kinglier, don't you lot call up?

But what does that mean? That the men can't control their facial muscles?


Information technology ways that they are not continued to their masculinity.

Maybe now you're thinking something like:

"Merely Dan, not every man has to be super-masculine!"

You wouldn't be wrong.

Even if information technology doesn't seem that manner, I really accept nothing against less masculine men.


>> How To Courtroom a Woman Successfully? 7 Tips to Make Her Fall For Yous.

But I wonder what would happen if things got actually rough.

What if a woman gets hit on the subway? Would somebody arrive the way?

What if the subway derails?  Would the men be able to keep their absurd and make the situation better instead of worse?

What if there'southward a terrorist attack? Would they endeavour to protect the women and children selflessly?

I know that this is very confrontational, simply, in fact, I inquire these questions myself as well.

I work on my manliness every day because I know that I could never forgive myself every bit a man if I did not practise these things.

This calls for a…

Story time!

I used to be one of the most unmanly teenagers.

Aye, that little frog was me.

For reasons I tin can't explain, my puberty thought:

"Nah, I'll take my fourth dimension."

Fifty-fifty at the historic period of 18 I still had a high-pitched voice, at about three hairs on my ball sack, and in that location was no trace of any other masculine features.


I was raised by my mother and sister. So I lacked a masculine function model. Equally you lot can imagine, this had a major impact on my love life.

Girls thought I was quite nice, but they could non fifty-fifty visualize doing something romantic or sexual with me.

So imagine an 18-twelvemonth-old boy with a squeaky voice, a milky face and no female person attending.

But information technology can always become worse. In add-on, I was a victim of bullying.

What I learned well-nigh bullying the difficult way:

Information technology's naught personal.

Perpetrators never really had anything against me. They merely looked for the easiest target. Similar hyenas attack the weakest antelope.

And in me, they had establish their antelope…

I was beaten up on the way to driving school. Information technology was not as brutal as in the flick "Fight Order", but it was traumatizing nevertheless.

The worst thing for me was the fact that I had to show my "new" face to the entire schoolhouse.

It was like an official "victim of bullying" postage on my forehead.

When the girl I was in love with at the time saw me similar this, I was aback.

I can safely say: those were the worst times of my life. And I almost accepted them equally my fate. Simply something strong inside me came upward and said:

"This will never happen again!"

So I did something that any 18-year-erstwhile would do in my identify:

I worked on my masculinity.

7 high-bear upon ways to increment your masculinity

I take tried out many things and many of them have proven to exist helpful.

But a lot of it was besides a waste of time.

I will share the 7 things that take increased my masculinity the well-nigh, so that you practise not have to waste your time. Yous're welcome.

>> From Dating to Relationship: v Natural Steps to Make Her Yours.

Tip #1: Discover the warrior within

Many men Think they can fight.

But thinking is sometimes non enough. But when you know for sure that you can fight, you will feel more like a human being.

Call me erstwhile-fashioned or conservative or sexist or whatever…

But I am firmly convinced that as a human it is YOUR duty to protect family unit, women, children, innocents, friends and and so on.

Let'due south just assume that I'g always right.

I mean, it's truthful, but let's stay humble.


Isn't it the near logical matter in the world that yous feel more masculine, strong and confident .when you know that you can defend yourself confronting any average human being?

You don't accept to be able to knock out Conor McGregor…

(Which would be very respectable)

… just if you lot want to increment your manhood, and have never at to the lowest degree thought about doing some form of martial arts, I wonder what the heck you are doing.

Fighting is a brutal teacher.

Y'all will never forget the lessons it teaches yous. It will not e'er exist fun and games. On the contrary, information technology is annihilation simply pleasant to exit every grooming session with new bruises.

Simply that, my friend, is EXACTLY the reason why martial arts is and so good for your masculinity.

Tip #two: Discover the Bear Grylls within

It'southward no wonder that men today don't realize how tough they actually are – after all, they are never actually tested.

One thing that has E'er strengthened me in my self-confidence and my role equally a man is to larn how to survive in the brutal nature.

Learning the noble art of survival is not a bad idea.

Attention: You lot don't have to go to extremes here either.

Sleeping in a camel corpse is not necessary…

You'll feel more manly as you learn:

  • How to brand a bivouac
  • How to make water drink
  • How to build a shelter for a day
  • Which mushrooms and herbs are eatable
  • How to use a knife or an axe
  • etc…

Theoretical knowledge lone gives you a masculine feeling. Merely if you really want to know what you are made off, you lot go out and use it.

Get out your smartphone, your chai latte and your favorite teddy bear at domicile, and spend one or more nights in nature.

Yous'll come dorsum a stronger man, guaranteed.

Information technology may be that yous never really need these survival skills because we alive in a comfortable bubble in the west.

Merely that reminds me of a Chinese proverb.

One student said to his master:

"You lot teach me how to fight, just you talk nigh peace. How does this fit together?"

The primary replied:

"It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war."

Tip #3: Why men are not allowed to testify emotion

I continue hearing:

"Mimimi, I think it's such a shame that men are not immune to show emotion these days mimimi."

Which has me thinking:

Have those who say such things ever opened their optics? Men are totally allowed to show emotion. There are more emotional men than sand at the ocean.

Is that a problem?

Not at all. No ane's judging them for it.

Only I'm not sure that'due south such a good thing.

Men must exist able to control their emotions.

>> 12 Exercises I Used to Become More Confident Around Girls.

I am aware that this is a controversial argument. Only it is the truth, and the truth volition always be provocative.


When I was 18 years old, I expressed all my feelings – always and everywhere.

The result:

Both men and women thought I was homosexual.

At the time I thought it was unfair, merely later I understood what the problem was:

It's non manly to exist overly emotional.

Take I been demonizing emotions since then?

Certainly not. I love emotion.

No, I Alive for emotion.

I want to be the opposite of a robot. I want to FEEL things.

Merely feeling emotions inside you does not mean that you take to let them out in an absolutely uncontrolled way.

For men, there is a limit that can be exceeded.

Accept a look at this video, for example:


You might exist thinking now:

"That's nice, Dan. This is a man who'south excited near his favorite movie. Let him be."

No, that'southward not "fine".

This homo is crying considering the logo of a gigantic multi-billion dollar company fades in.

Are you lot really trying to tell me that's "fine"? How much does that say about his inner strength as a man?

Well… much…

That it does not exist.

I'm agape that he…

  • Is useless when women, children or other men need to be protected.
  • Collapses when the brutality of life crashes down on him.
  • Dies a miserable death, when you put him into nature all by himself.

Just maybe I'm existence mean to that man for no reason…

Possibly he has some mystical Jedi powers I don't know near.


If you desire to strengthen your masculinity, you should be able to detach emotionally.

>> Flirting on Facebook: 11 Tips on How to Offset a Conversation.

Tip #4: Discover the monster within

If you knew what a monster is lurking within you, you lot'd be afraid of yourself.

I must admit:

Merely because I don't think much of modern feminism, it doesn't mean that I disagree with everything.

The feminists are right on this indicate:

Men can really be dangerous.

In that location is no doubt about it.

If you lot call up that there is no side of you that is capable of doing the nigh immoral things, you are naive. History has already shown u.s.a. how monstrous men (AND women by the way) can be.

Pretending that this side doesn't exist in you is limiting.

It is much better to know this side well so that you tin bring it under voluntary control.

Inquire yourself, for example, what has to happen for you to kill somebody?

Be honest with yourself.

Not much, am I right?

I know it'southward scary to explore that nighttime side. But actually, it's one of the most of import things you tin can exercise.

See what Friedrich Nietzsche had to say about this:

Many think it'southward noble to be a harmless lapdog.

Only there's nothing noble near that.

It tin do nothing… except for getting bullied, mistreated and sliced up into pieces.

Noble is the wolf that does not set on, fifty-fifty though it could.

The wolf that can successfully tame itself, only can still go a beast when it counts, is the wolf that is respected.

Tip #5: Discover the Iceman within

From Wim Hof, likewise known as "Iceman", I learned i thing:

The cold is harsh but off-white.

This makes the cold an first-class teacher.

I have experimented a lot with common cold exposure. In winter, of course, this is easier. In summer, ice cubes and my bathtub had to do the job.

Maybe you're wondering now:

"Why the cold?"

The short answer:

When you go into the ice bath, and whine or resist the cold, it feels like thousand knifes are stabbing you.

But if you stay calm and in control, it's not that bad.

It's fifty-fifty soothing.

But ane weak thought and the cold immediately punishes yous again by whipping, stabbing and torturing you.

Then the cold has taught me mental forcefulness like no other.

I like to be a piffling extreme. You don't have to follow my lead. But just beginning by taking a cold shower and see what information technology does to you. Stay as calm as possible and permit the cold strengthen your manliness.

>> 5 Covert Ways Women Examination Men + Most Effective Responses.

Tip #6: Notice the Thomas Shelby within

I used to exist a wanking slacker.

Did I feel like a very manly wanking slacker?


In fact, I don't think that'southward possible.

Men work.

Women find Thomas Shelby, the principal graphic symbol from the series "The Peaky Blinders", irresistibly sexy.

"Coincidentally", he'southward a real piece of work beast.

A man who works difficult usually has his shit together in life. To cling as a adult female to a wanking slacker is not a smart strategy.

In Christianity, it is even assumed that men were created for this purpose:

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work information technology and have care of it."
(Genesis 2:15)

Well, that doesn't sound similar fun…

But I got to say, since I've been working a lot, I feel much manlier.

Don't take me as an example here either. I am in the process of bringing a little more than residuum into my life, because I probably work a little besides much, which is not good either.

Only the feeling of masculinity is in that location, and I besides detect that señoritas find information technology sexy when they realize that I am constantly decorated.

Rationally, they should think:

"Oh, he's far too busy, which means he doesn't have much time for me. Mayhap I should merely leave information technology alone then."

But instead, they think:

"Hmmm he'southward busy. I'll do my all-time to prove him that I'm worth his time."

Does that mean y'all should ever pull the "I'm decorated…" bill of fare as some kind of tactic?

No, that would be embarrassing.

Information technology means that you should Actually be busy – ideally with something meaningful.

Find your mission, work your ass off, and I guarantee: non only will y'all feel ultra-masculine, but you lot'll also create something you are proud of when you lie on the deathbed one day…

Non a bad matter.

>> No Sexual activity In Relationship? The 8 Whys + How to Regain Intimacy.

Tip #7: Observe the Samurai within

Discipline has strengthened my spirit.

I wake upwardly at the aforementioned time every day – no affair how I feel. I don't retrieve I have to mention that this has been very useful for my life.

Many men have a negative association with subject field.

They remember subject field restricts their freedom.

And if information technology is forced upon someone, it may indeed be the instance.

Simply subject field tin can be your best friend.

I even wake upwards in the morning, when I went to a club or bar the night before.

One could now say that I am limiting myself.

Just no.

Getting upward early makes me more productive. This in turn gives me more complimentary fourth dimension and I tin exercise what I desire to exercise without having to think about work.

I understand that everyone is different.

In that location are artists who swear by the fact that discipline blocks their creativity. I dubiousness information technology'south true, but, hey…

Decide for yourself in which areas of life it would do yous good to be more disciplined. Most of the time, we all know EXACTLY what these areas are.

Fourth dimension to be a homo

You now know how to strengthen your masculinity. And you also know that it ways you lot accept a lot of responsibleness.

Fortunately, the universe thanks y'all when y'all acquit that responsibility by giving yous the well-nigh amazing women.

I am aware that, in this commodity, I have written piffling near how you can seduce (and proceed) these women.

Just don't be sorry.

Because I take compiled all of this and my best advice in a dandy 'trivial' Transformation Kit. It gives you the steps to uncover your masculinity inside. Plus, how to employ it and maybe even seduce women with your new inner manliness.

Sounds pretty good if you ask me.

Get your Transformation Kit for free here.

Or click the button beneath.

I see yous on the other side.

Your bro,
Dan de Ram

Stop awkward conversations
and painful rejections

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  • 12 Opening Lines that Actually Work
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Source: https://www.attractiongym.com/how-to-be-more-masculine/

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