Princeton Review Is 2nd Edition Up to Date



v. re·viewed, re·view·ing, re·views

v. tr.

1. To look over, study, or examine once more: reviewed last week's lesson.

2. To consider retrospectively; look back on: reviewed the day's events.

3. To examine with an eye to criticism or correction: reviewed the research findings.

4. To write or requite a disquisitional written report on (a new work or performance, for example).

5. Law To evaluate (a determination made past or action taken by a lower court) to determine whether whatsoever error was made.

six. To bailiwick to a formal inspection, especially a armed services inspection.

v. intr.

1. To go over or restudy fabric: reviewing for a final exam.

2. To write critical reviews, especially for a newspaper or magazine.


1. A reexamination or reconsideration.

2. A retrospective view or survey.


a. A restudying of field of study matter.

b. An practise for use in restudying fabric.


a. A report or essay giving a disquisitional estimate of a piece of work or operation.

b. A periodical devoted to articles and essays on current diplomacy, literature, or art.


a. An inspection or test for the purpose of evaluation.

b. A formal military inspection.

c. A formal military ceremony held in laurels of a person or occasion.

6. Constabulary An evaluation conducted by a higher court of a decision made or action taken by a lower court to make up one's mind whether whatever error was made.

vii. A musical prove consisting of ofttimes satirical skits, songs, and dances; a revue.

[Probably from Middle English, inspection of military forces, from Onetime French revue, review, from feminine past participle of reveeir, to see over again, from Latin revidēre : re-, re- + vidēre, to run across; see weid- in Indo-European roots.]

re·view′a·ble adj.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English language Language, 5th Edition. Copyright © 2022 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (mainly tr)

1. to look at or examine again: to review a situation.

2. to look back upon (a menstruation of time, sequence of events, etc); recall: he reviewed his achievements with pride.

3. to inspect, esp formally or officially: the general reviewed his troops.

4. to read through or go over in lodge to right

5. (Constabulary) police force to re-examine (a decision) judicially

6. (Journalism & Publishing) to write a critical assessment of (a volume, film, play, concert, etc), esp as a profession


vii. As well chosen: reviewal the act or an instance of reviewing

8. a general survey or report: a review of the political situation.

nine. (Journalism & Publishing) a critical assessment of a book, film, play, concert, etc, esp i printed in a newspaper or periodical

ten. (Journalism & Publishing)

a. a publication containing such articles

b. (majuscule when office of a name): the Saturday Review.

xi. a 2d consideration; re-examination

12. a retrospective survey

13. a formal or official inspection

14. (Education) US and Canadian the process of rereading a subject or notes on it, esp in preparation for an examination. Besides called (in Uk and certain other countries): revision

xv. (Police force) constabulary judicial re-examination of a instance, esp by a superior courtroom

xvi. (Theatre) a less common spelling of revue

[C16: from French, from revoir to see over again, from Latin re- re- + vidēre to see]

reˈviewable adj

reˈviewer north

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Entire, twelfth Edition 2022 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. a critical article or report, as of a book, play, or software; critique.

2. the process of studying a subject once again, esp. to fix it in memory.

3. an practise designed for report of this kind.

4. a general survey, esp. in words; report or account.

v. an inspection or examination, esp. a formal inspection of a military or naval force, parade, etc.

half-dozen. a journal containing manufactures on current affairs, books, art, etc.: a literary review.

vii. a judicial reexamination, as by a college courtroom, of the decision or proceedings in a instance.

8. a second or repeated view of something.

nine. a viewing of the by; consideration of past events, circumstances, or facts.


11. to go over (lessons, studies, work, etc.) in review.

12. to view or wait once more.

thirteen. to inspect, esp. formally or officially: to review the troops.

14. to survey mentally; examine: to review the situation.

fifteen. to hash out (a book, play, etc.) in a critical review.

16. to expect back upon; view retrospectively.

17. to nowadays a survey of in voice communication or writing.

18. to reexamine judicially: to review a case.


xix. to become over or restudy cloth, as in training for a examination.

20. to review books, movies, etc., as for a newspaper or magazine.

[1555–65; < Eye French revue, n. use of feminine past participle of revoir to meet once more « Latin revidēre=re- re- + vidēre to run across; compare view]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 Chiliad Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a formal inspection of military men or naval forces, 1585; hence, the men who are reviewed, collectivelyWilkes.

Examples: review of cavalry, 1683; of the Armada; of ships; a naval review, 1878.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: reviewed
Gerund: reviewing
I review
yous review
he/she/information technology reviews
we review
you review
they review
I reviewed
y'all reviewed
he/she/it reviewed
we reviewed
you reviewed
they reviewed
Nowadays Continuous
I am reviewing
you are reviewing
he/she/it is reviewing
we are reviewing
you are reviewing
they are reviewing
Present Perfect
I accept reviewed
you have reviewed
he/she/information technology has reviewed
we accept reviewed
you have reviewed
they have reviewed
Past Continuous
I was reviewing
you were reviewing
he/she/information technology was reviewing
nosotros were reviewing
you lot were reviewing
they were reviewing
Past Perfect
I had reviewed
you had reviewed
he/she/it had reviewed
nosotros had reviewed
you lot had reviewed
they had reviewed
I will review
you will review
he/she/information technology will review
we will review
you will review
they volition review
Future Perfect
I will have reviewed
you volition accept reviewed
he/she/information technology will have reviewed
nosotros will have reviewed
you will have reviewed
they will have reviewed
Future Continuous
I will be reviewing
y'all volition exist reviewing
he/she/information technology will exist reviewing
we will be reviewing
you will be reviewing
they will be reviewing
Nowadays Perfect Continuous
I have been reviewing
you have been reviewing
he/she/it has been reviewing
nosotros have been reviewing
you have been reviewing
they take been reviewing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been reviewing
you will accept been reviewing
he/she/it will have been reviewing
we will have been reviewing
you will accept been reviewing
they volition have been reviewing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been reviewing
you had been reviewing
he/she/information technology had been reviewing
we had been reviewing
yous had been reviewing
they had been reviewing
I would review
you would review
he/she/it would review
nosotros would review
you lot would review
they would review
Past Conditional
I would take reviewed
you would accept reviewed
he/she/it would have reviewed
we would have reviewed
y'all would take reviewed
they would have reviewed

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Fable:

Substantive ane. review - a new appraisal or evaluation review - a new appraisal or evaluation

reappraisal, reassessment, revaluation

appraisal, assessment - the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth

stocktaking, stock-taking - reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook

ii. review - an essay or commodity that gives a critical evaluation (equally of a book or play)

critical review, critique, review commodity

literary criticism, criticism - a written evaluation of a work of literature

book review - a critical review of a volume (unremarkably a recently published volume)

find - a brusque critical review; "the play received good notices"

rave - an extravagantly enthusiastic review; "he gave information technology a rave"

3. review - a subsequent exam of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment

reexamination, followup, follow-upwards

examination, scrutiny - the act of examining something closely (equally for mistakes)

four. review - (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of fiscal data

limited review

accounting - a system that provides quantitative information almost finances

accounting organisation, method of bookkeeping, accounting - a bookkeeper's chronological listing of related debits and credits of a business organization; forms part of a ledger of accounts

analytical review - an auditing procedure based on ratios among accounts and tries to identify pregnant changes

5. review - a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians


follies - a revue with elaborate costuming

diverseness show, variety - a show consisting of a series of short unrelated performances

half-dozen. review - a journal that publishes critical essays on electric current affairs or literature or art

periodical - a publication that appears at fixed intervals

literary review - a review devoted to literary criticism

7. review - a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer give-and-take

epitomize, recapitulation

capitulation - a summary that enumerates the main parts of a topic

epanodos - recapitulation of the main ideas of a voice communication (especially in reverse society)

8. review - (police) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially past an appellate court)

legal proceeding, proceeding, proceedings - (law) the institution of a sequence of steps past which legal judgments are invoked

bill of review - a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a prescript by the court that rendered information technology

judicial review - review by a court of law of actions of a regime official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review past an appellate court of the decision of a trial court

constabulary, jurisprudence - the drove of rules imposed by dominance; "civilization presupposes respect for the police force"; "the peachy problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"

nine. review - practise intended to polish performance or refresh the retentiveness


practice session, practice, drill, exercise, recitation - systematic grooming past multiple repetitions; "exercise makes perfect"

rub up - a review that refreshes your memory; "I need a rub upward on my Latin"

10. review - a formal or official examination review - a formal or official examination; "the platoon stood set for review"; "we had to expect for the inspection before we could use the elevator"


checkout, bank check-out procedure, check - the act of inspecting or verifying; "they made a bank check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure"

examination, scrutiny - the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)

Verb ane. review - expect at once again; examine once more; "let's review your situation"


analyse, analyze, examine, report, canvass, canvas - consider in particular and subject field to an analysis in order to detect essential features or significant; "analyze a sonnet past Shakespeare"; "clarify the show in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"

2. review - appraise critically; "She reviews books for the New York Times"; "Please critique this functioning"


pass judgment, evaluate, judge - form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of mod art"; "How practise you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't laissez passer judgment on other people"

peer review, referee - evaluate professionally a colleague'southward work

3. review - concur a review (of troops)

become over, survey

inspect - look over advisedly; "Please inspect your father's will advisedly"

iv. review - refresh 1'southward retention; "I reviewed the fabric before the test"

brush up, refresh

recall, recollect, think, call back, retrieve, retrieve, think - recall knowledge from retentiveness; take a recollection; "I can't remember maxim any such thing"; "I tin can't recall what her last proper name was"; "can yous remember her phone number?"; "Practise yous call back that he once loved yous?"; "think memories"

5. review - look dorsum upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride"

retrospect, look back

recall dorsum, retrieve - recapture the past; indulge in memories; "he remembered how he used to pick flowers"

Based on WordNet iii.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton Academy, Farlex Inc.



1. re-exam, revision, rethink, retrospect, another expect, reassessment, fresh look, second look, reconsideration, re-evaluation, recapitulation She has appear a review of adoption laws.


1. reconsider, revise, rethink, run over, reassess, re-examine, re-evaluate, think over, take some other look at, restate, look at again, go over again The next 24-hour interval we reviewed the previous day's piece of work.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To give a recapitulation of the salient facts of:

2. To consider again, especially with the possibility of alter:

3. To write a critical report on:


1. A close or systematic study:

ii. Evaluative and disquisitional discourse:

3. A formal armed forces inspection:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2022 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إسْتِعْراضاِسْتِعْراضمُراجَعَه، إسْتِعْراض يُراجِع، يَسْتَعْرِض يُراجِع، يَعودُ على

přehlídka přezkoumání recenze recenzovat revue

anmelde anmeldelse gennemgå gennemgang inspicering



áttekint felülvizsgálat folyóirat ismertet ismertetés

endurskoîa gagnrÿni, umsögn liîskönnun


비평 기사

apžvalga permesti akimis peržiūra peržvalga recenzentas

analizēt apskatīt apskats atkārtošana atkārtot

recenzia recenzovať vykonať prehliadku zopakovanie

ocena oceniti ponoviti pregled pregledati

granskning revy


bài nhận xét




iii. (Jur) (= reconsider) [+ case] → revisar

Collins Castilian Lexicon - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



due north

[situation, policy, instance, contract, bacon, system] → révision f
to be nether review → être en passe d'être révisé(e)
to come nether review → être révisé(due east)

(= mag) → revue f


(= reconsider) [+ system, situation, policy, contract, case, pensions, salary] → réviser f

Collins English/French Electronic Resources. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Consummate and Entire seventh Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rəˈvjuː) substantive

1. a written report on a book, play etc giving the writer'southward stance of it. resensie يَسْتَعْرِض рецензия recensão posudek, recenze dice Besprechung anmeldelse κριτική crítica arvustus نقد arvostelu compte rendu מַאֲמַר בִּיקוֹרֶת पुनर्वलोकन osvrt, kritika ismertetés, recenzió tinjauan gagnrÿni, umsögn recensione 評論 비평 기사 recenzija, apžvalga recenzija; apskats ulasan recensie anmeldelse recenzja بياازمويل، بياكتل، بيا څيړل، كتنه كول، تبصره كول، نقد كول، دعسكرومعاينه كول، عمومى كتنه، دسره كتنه، انتقادى تبصره recensão cro­nică рецензия posudok, recenzia ocena, kritika kritika recension บทวิจารณ์ eleştiri 書評,劇評 рецензія تبصرہ bài phê bình 书评论文章(书评,剧评等)

2. an inspection of troops etc. inspeksie إسْتِعْراض преглед revista přehlídka die Truppenschau inspicering επιθεώρηση revista ülevaatus سان بینی؛ بازدید tarkastus revue סקירה तहक़ीकात smotra vojnih jedinica szemle inspeksi pasukan liðskönnun rivista, rassegna 閲兵 사열, 열병 patikrinimas, peržiūra (karaspēka) parāde pemeriksaan inspectie troppemønstring przegląd, inspekcja كتنه revista revistă смотр prehliadka pregled smotra mönstring, inspektion การตรวจสอบ teftiş, denetleme 檢閱 огляд, парад فوجوں کا معاءنہ cuộc duyệt binh 检阅

3. (American) revision; studying or going over one'southward notes. I have just enough time for a quick review of my speech; I made a quick review of my notes earlier the test. oorsig مُراجَعَه، إسْتِعْراض преглеждане revisão opakování krz durchgehen gennemgang επανάληψη revisión (märkmete jms) kiire läbivaatamine مرور tarkistus revue עִיוּן מְחָדָש रिसाला, पत्र या पत्रिका जिसमें नई नई पुस्तकों या वर्तमान घटनाओं इत्यादि पर टीका-टिप्पणी रहती है, पनरीक्षण osvrt, pregled átnézés, átismétlés pemeriksaan ripasso 復習 복습 peržvalga, peržiūra pārskats; atkārtošana ulang kaji repetitie, herhaling repetisjon przejrzeć كتنه просмотр (z)opakovanie ponoven pregled pregled genomgång การทบทวน tekrarlama (美)重新看過 розгляд; перевірка نظر ثانی sự xem xét lại 复习,再检查


1. to make or have a review of. The book was reviewed in yesterday's paper; The Queen reviewed the troops. inspekteer يُراجِع، يَسْتَعْرِض преглеждам inspecionar recenzovat; vykonat přehlídku besprechen, inspizieren anmelde γράφω κριτική, επιθεωρώ hacer una crítica arvustama, üle vaatama سان دیدن؛ مورد بازدید قرار دادن arvostella faire la critique de; passer en revue לִסקוֹר परखना osvrnuti se, kritički prikazati ismertet; megszemlél membuat tinjauan dæma, skrifa gagnrÿni um; gera liðskönnun recensire 評論する 검토하다, 검열하다 recenzuoti, inspektuoti recenzēt; pārbaudīt; pieņemt parādi mengulas, memeriksa recenseren, inspecteren anmelde; inspisere troppene recenzować, dokonywać przeglądu كتنه كول inspeccionar a recenza; a trece în revistă рецензировать; производить смотр recenzovať; vykonať prehliadku oceniti; pregledati prikazati recensera, inspektera วิจารณ์; ตรวจสอบ eleştirmek; denetlemek 評論 рецензувати; оглядати دوبارہ جاءزہ لینا یا معاءنہ کرنا xem xét; duyệt binh 评论回顾, 复习

ii. to reconsider. We'll review the situation at the end of the calendar month. heroorweeg يَسْتَعْرِض، يَبْحَث преразглеждам rever přezkoumat überblicken tage op til revision αναθεωρώ, επανεξετάζω examinar uuesti läbi arutama از مد نظر گذراندن؛ بازنگری کردن tarkastella réexaminer לִבחוֹן מְחָדָש पुन: निरीक्षण करना, फिर से जांचना, पुनर्विचार करना, दुबारा तहक़ीकात करना ponovno proučiti, ponovno razmisliti felülvizsgál, áttekint meninjau endurskoða rivedere, riesaminare 再考する 재고하다 patikrinti, peržiūrėti novērtēt; apskatīt; analizēt mempertimbangkan kembali opnieuw bekijken ta opp til ny vurdering zrewidować, powtórnie rozważyć بياكتل rever a reexamina пересматривать preskúmať oceniti razmotriti ompröva, betrakta på nytt พิจารณาใหม่ gözden geçirmek 重新考慮 переглядати دوبارہ غور کرنا xem xét lại 重新考虑

3. (American) to revise; to go over 1's notes, lessons etc in training for an examination. I have to review (my notes) for the test tomorrow. oorkyk يُراجِع، يَعودُ على преглеждам revisar opakovat durchgehen gennemgå κάνω επανάληψη revisar kordama, (märkmeid jms) kiiresti läbi vaatama باز نویسی کردن؛ بازبینی کردن tarkistaa repasser לְעַיֵין מְחָדָש फिर से जांचना pregledati átnéz, átolvas memeriksa ripassare 復習する 복습하다 peržiūrėti pārskatīt; atkārtot mengulang kaji repeteren repetere, lese til prøve przejrzeć بياازمويل просматривать (z)opakovať (si) ponoviti baciti pogled gå igenom på nytt ทบทวน gözden geçirmek (美國)檢討,重新看過 переглядати نظر ثانی کرنا xem lại 温习,复习

reˈviewer noun

a person who reviews books etc. Who was the reviewer of the biography of Churchill? resensent مُراجِع ، مُسْتَعْرِض рецензент revisor recenzent der/die Kritiker(in) anmelder κριτικός crítico arvustaja منتقد ادبی؛ بازبین گر arvostelija critique מבקר, מבקרת समीक्षक pisac kritike, recenzent ismertető penulis tinjauan, pengulas ritdómari, gagnrÿnandi recensore, critico 書評家 비평가 recenzentas recenzents pengulas recensent anmelder recenzent انتقاد كوونكى، مبصر، څارو recenseador critic (literar) рецензент recenzent kritik kritičar kritiker, recensent ผู้วิจารณ์ eleştirmen 評論者 оглядач; рецензент تبصرہ نگار nhà phê bình sách 评论者

Kernerman English language Multilingual Lexicon © 2006-2013 M Dictionaries Ltd.


اِسْتِعْراض přezkoumání undersøgelse Rezension ανασκόπηση reseña arvostelu examen prikaz recensione 批評 비평 기사 beoordeling gjennomgang przegląd revisão обзор granskning การทบทวน eleştiri bài nhận xét 回顾

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. revisión, análisis, repaso;

access ___revisión de ingresos;

case ______ del caso;

___ of systems___ de sistemas; [literary] reseña;

5. repasar, volver a ver.

English language-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


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