And I Really Want to Be Admin in Your Server Again

You've set yourself up a sweet server on Discord. A few of your closest buds, some new pretty awesome folks, and the place is booming. You'd like to think that you can handle everything on your own but as the server builds, the more time it will take away from your other activities just to maintain it.

It may be time to establish a hierarchy and share a bit of that power with those most trusted.

Giving some folks administrative privileges is a great way to creating a solid hierarchy within the server. You can call them officers, the Gestapo, or any other clever play on ranking that you can imagine, but it's the permissions that make the role.

If you would like to learn more about the neat administrative options available in Discord check out this article.

Permissions, Roles, and Leadership Assignments

In this article, I will show you where to locate your server and channel permissions, how to create roles with the necessary permissions you seek, and incorporate a few individuals into the "big boys club" of the administrative role.

The entire Discord permission system is based around the roles that you create and assign to your server's members. Permissions can be assigned by role for both server and channel levels. To begin, you'll need to learn how to create these roles and set up the permissions for each.

How to Create Roles

In order to get to the permissions portion of your Discord server regime, you'll first need to set up a few different r oles that you can assign to your members. Being the owner of a server means you'll never need to assign a role to yourself, unless you like the tag name, as you have all permissions by default.

As stated, you can create any role with any name that you feel is necessary and best represented by your server. Multiple roles can be assigned to an individual member, all consisting of different permissions. A single role will consist of a name, a set of permissions the role is designed for, and the members that have been assigned to it.

To create, delete, or assign permissions to roles:

Open your "Server Settings" menu by clicking on the server name at the top of the center console while in Discord.

Swap to the "Roles" tab from the menu on the left.

By default, when creating a new server, the only role already created is the @everyone. This role is established for everyone on the server and already has a few permissions attached to it. It's the role that every member is automatically assigned when joining your server.

In order to create a new role, click on the '+' icon to the right of "ROLES".

Name the role anything you'd like, assign a color for that role to differentiate its appearance from the others.

Then move on to the Role Settings and General Permissions . Once a role has been created, you can assign specific server-wide permissions for that role by switching the toggles either off or on for each specified permission.

The very first option in the "General Permissions" section should be the Administrator's permission. Toggle this on to give a role nearly identical permissions to yourself.

Once you've finished, click Save Changes .

How to Assign Roles

Now that you've created a role or two, you'll need to apply those roles to members of your server. Hopefully, you've established varying permissions for each role created that pertain to how you see your hierarchy within your server, developing. Depending on the permissions granted by those roles will decide what members receive which role.

Once you've created the roles you can begin to assign the appropriate members. You can assign them by doing the following:

While in the "Server Settings" window, open the "Members" tab.

To the right of each members' name is a '+'. Click on this '+' and choose an available role to assign to that member. Remember that you can assign multiple roles to a single member if applicable.

The role provided is server-wide so any permissions attached to the role are now assigned to that member.

To remove a role that has been assigned to a member, scroll over the role to the right of the member's name and click the 'X' located inside the colored circle.

Channel Permissions For Admins and Otherwise

As an added boost of server status, you can also assign varying permissions to specific voice and text channels. Keep in mind that Channel permissions will override all Server granted permissions. So before going crazy on the adding and removing of permissions on channels,  understand the point of even adding them in the first place.

A Content Creator has supreme dominion and admin-like levels of permissions in order to ensure that they can stream comfortably. This means streaming without interference or other members being too obnoxious.

To add permissions to channels:

Access the "Channel Settings" menu by selecting the channel that needs adjusting and clicking on the cog icon.

From the "Channel Settings" window, open the "Permissions" tab from the right-side menu.

As it was for the server roles, @everyone is already created by default. To adjust the permissions of any given role, select it from those available and scroll down the list.

You can Allow (green checkmark) or Deny (red 'X') every permission from the list by clicking on their respective checkboxes.

Add new roles or specific members to channel permissions for those you want to have management privileges for that specified channel. Just click the '+' similar to how it was done for server roles, and add away.

Hit the Save Changes button when you've finished assigning channel roles and permissions.

How to Assign Roles on Discord Mobile

Much like the desktop version, the Discord mobile version also allows you to assign or unassign roles to members. From within the Discord mobile application follow these steps:

Access the server you'd like to create or manage roles for.

Tap on the name of the channel. In this screenshot it is listed as #general at the top:

From the screen that populates tap "Permissions"

Permissions in the application will allow you to "Add a Role." Tap this and you will be able to alter the permissions of each user or channel.

The ability to make changes from within the Discord application means you can manage your servers on the go.

Transfer of Server Ownership

To provide someone else with the ultimate administrative permissions, there is always a full server ownership transfer. The server may have become too big to handle and with your current daily activities, you simply can't fit it into your schedule.

If you'd like to hand off control of your server to someone else, here's how to do it:

Back in the "Server Settings" menu, open up the "Members" tab located in the "User Management" section.

Hover over the name of the member who will be taking the reins and click the Triple-Dot icon off to the right.

Select Transfer Ownership from the provided menu.

That's all there is to it. You will continue to be a member of the server after forfeiting your administrative rights.


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