Top 3 Dental Technician in the World Germany Tooth Art



Amengual Lorenzo, José

Master Dental Technician

Appel, Axel

  • 1989 – 2001 Dental Technician and Laboratory Management
  • 2001 Primary Dental Technician Examination
  • 2001 – 2002 Dental Technician in the Bonancina & Vedovelli Dental Laboratory in Bergamo, Italy
  • 2002 – 2004 Dental Technician in the laboratory associated with the practice of Doctors Leitzbach in Hochheim/Main
  • Since July 2004 Application Consultant at VITA
  • Since January 2022 Regional Grade Manager

Master Dental Technician

Assmann, Heike

  • 2001 – 2004 In-service grooming at the Master School of Dortmund, Master Dental Technician Document
  • Since 2010 employed equally Master Dental Technician at the Zahnmedizinisches Zentrum in Paderborn (ZM-Z)
  • Since 2012 Instructor at the HWK Dortmund
  • Additional training as PSK Dental Aesthetician
  • Member of the Dortmund MDT Piece of work Group (ZTM-Arbeitskreis) and the "Female Dental Technicians Forum" of the Dentista Club e.V.

Behaeghel, Tom

Primary Dental Technician

Berger, Éric

  • 1986: Test as master dental technician (level III).
  • 1989: founding of the Dental Technique Berger laboratory, whose "aesthetic smile" program advocates a strict protocol for prosthesis manufacturing.
  • Consultant and educator for VITA Zahnfabrik, SIRONA-inlab, edentisterie, president of E-LAB, consultant at ISNA Metz school (French national college craft constitute) and vice president of the Clan of Dental Technicians in the Moselle département.

 Lookout the video "My perfect friction match"

 Sentry the video "VITA YZ – Live DEMOS"

Main Dental technician

Berghammer, Matthias

  • September 2000 bis Februar 2004 Lehre zum Zahntechniker
  • 2004 bis August 2008 Arbeit als angestellter Zahntechniker
  • September 2008 bis Juli 2009 Meisterschule in München
  • Oktober 2009 bis Dezember 2022 Arbeit als angestellter Zahntechniker
  • Seit Januar selbstständig als Teilhaber der Dentalprojekt Regensburg GmbH

Blasco, José Carlos

Dental technician

Breda, Márcio

  • Graduation at the Facultad de FAESA (Facultad de Administración EspírituSantense)
  • Own lab since 1989 in Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasilien
  • Author and co-author of many national and international publications on aesthetics and implantology, including The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (JPD)

 Facebook:  Marcio Breda
 Instagram: marciobreda_mb
 Youtube: marciobreda

Dental technician

Calero, Bárbara

Dental Technician

Carretti, Renato

  • Dental Technician from Zurich
  • Since 2010 Masterlab Laboratory of VITA
  • Top skillful in the field of veneering materials
  • Courses and lectures across Europe on VITA VM 13
  • Specializes in aesthetic full and metallic ceramic anterior tooth restorations and implant technology
  • Since 2004 intensive work with VITA VM materials
  • Many years of professional work experience with patients.

Dr. med. dent.

Chatzis, Nico

  • 1997 – 2003 Study of human medicine at the Academy of Zurich / State Examination in Medicine, med.
  • 2003 – 2006 Report of Dental Medicine at the University of Zurich / State Examination for Dental Medicine, med. dent.
  • 2006 – 2010 Dental practice in full general dentistry in Switzerland
  • Since 2010 member of the joint exercise team of Doctors Andreoni & Meier in Zurich with focus on reconstructive dentistry and implantology.
  • Specializations:
  • Aesthetic dentistry with direct chemical compound restorations of the anterior teeth
  • Full ceramic restorations with CEREC and VITABLOCS Mark Ii/TriLuxe forte
  • Mucogingival surgery and implantology
  • Restoration and fine correction of anterior teeth and implant supported restorations
  • Independent exercise for full general dentistry with a specialisation in implantology since 2017
  • 2017 specialisation in implantology SGI/SSIO

Denturist, Zahntechniker

Christen, Urban

  • internationaler Trainer und Referent für Totalprothetik; seit mehr als xiii Jahren Berater der VITA Zahnfabrik, Produktentwicklung VITA Zähne
  • unter anderem: Vizepräsident, European Committee, IFD International Federation of Denturists und Executive Board Member (Global) IFD. International Federation of Denturists, Diplomatic Agent


  • Diplom als Kliniker, Denturist George Brown College, Toronto (Can)
  • Diplom als Kliniker in Clinical Dental Technology an der Faculty of General Dental Practice, Royal College of Surgeons of England (GB)
  • Dipl. Zahntechniker (Schweiz) und Prüfungsexperte Schweiz
  • Diplom in Economy and Business organization Management (Swiss Plant of Business Management)

Coloma Ferrer, Mar

Dr. med. dent.

Conejo, Julián

  • D.D.South., Universidad Latina, Costa Rica. 2000-2005.
  • Prosthodontist, Universidad Intercontinental Mexico. 2006-2008.
  • Continuing Dental Education Plan: Advances in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation. New York Academy. College of Dentistry, 2010-2011.
  • Visiting Scholar, Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences. Academy of Pennsylvania Schoolhouse of Dental Medicine. 2015-Nowadays.
  • Professor at the Prosthodontics Department, Universidad Latina de Republic of costa rica. 2010-2015
  • Visiting Professor, Universidad Intercontinental Mexico.
  • Private Practise: Exclusive in prosthodontics and implantology with CAD-CAM applied science at Hill Dental. San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • International Speaker worldwide
  • Multiples Scientific Publications.
  • Certified CEREC Trainer (SIRONA) and CAD-CAM Teacher (VITA Zahnfabrik).

 To the video "My perfect match"

 To the video "VITA YZ – LIVE DEMOS"

Master Dental Technician

Czappa, Björn

  • After preparation in Gladbeck, Germany, specialization in implant engineering in various practices and laboratories in Oldenburg and Bremen.
  • 1991 Established in his own laboratory, 1000.c.zahntechnik, in Oldenburg, Frg
  • 1995 Completion of Master Dental Technician examinations, at the peak of his form at HWK Halle, Deutschland
  • 2006 Training equally Dental Aesthetician
  • International lecturer/grade manager specializing in individual ceramic coating applied science, full ceramics, anterior molar aesthetics and implant prosthetics

Dental technician

Ditsch, Jochen

Dr. Alvarado Lorenzo, Mario

  • 1998-2003 Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Universidad Alfonso Ten el Sabio, Madrid
  • seit 2003 Privatpraxis Clínica Dental Doctores Alvarado
  • 2006 Abschluss in klinischer Implantologie an der Universidad Complutense Madrid
  • 2007 Master in Oralimplantologie, Zahngesundheit und Ernährung an der Universidad Politécnica, Madrid
  • 2008 Promotion in Zahnheilkunde an der Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid
  • 2009 Primary in Oralchirurgie, Implantologie und Paradontologie (2007-2009) an der Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid
  • seit 2022 tätig für Avinent Implant Organization (Erprobung neuer Produkte und Dokumentation von klinischen Fällen)
  • seit 2022 KOL (Key Stance Leader) VITA Zahnfabrik
  • zahlreiche nationale und internationale Vorträge
  • Autor diverser Fachartikel und Beiträge in Büchern
  • Tätigkeiten als Chefredakteur, technischer Leiter und chirurgischer Leiter an diversen Kliniken
  • Dozent an der Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid, dem Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de León, der ITECO-Universidad de Alcalá sowie der Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes sowie Betreuer von Dissertationen
  • Mitglied verschiedener Komitees, Prüfungsausschüsse, Akademien und Vereinigungen

Dental technician

Fonollosa, Dr. Jose María

Dr. med. paring.

Frahsek, Gerd

  • 1980-1985 Degree in Dental Medicine from the University of Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 1989 Private practice in full general dental surgery in Velbert, Federal republic of germany
  • 2000 CEREC ii
  • 2002 CEREC iii, inLab user
  • 2004 Crowns and bridges with VITA ALUMINA and VITA ZIRCONIA, VITA-INCERAMAT
  • 2005 Implants made from zirconia, VITA ZYRCOMAT
  • 2007 inLab MC XL
  • 2009 IPS eastward.max ZirPress and IPS e.max press
  • 2010 Orthophos XG 3D, CEREC BlueCam
  • 2011 Integrated implantology, Freecorder Bluefox
  • 2015 CEREC OmniCam, MC X5 and inEos X5
  • 2015 User of CEREC 4.4, inLab fifteen and CEREC Guide two, 2022 Orthophos SL 3D
  • 2016 inLab 16, VITA ENAMIC IS
  • National and international lecturer on the topics of total ceramic restorations, CAD/CAM procedures and integrated implantology

Master Dental Technician

Freitag, Jürgen

  • Since 1994, in individual exercise in Bad Homburg, Germany
  • 2001 Primary's Examination
  • 2002 – 2005 Consulting and evolution of a CAD/CAM technology for a dental company
  • Published in several national and international dental magazines
  • Lecturer in Europe, Asia, South and Due north America, Australia and New Zealand

Dental Technician

Fürgut, Viktor

  • Since 1983 Dental Technician and Manager of the Prosthetics Department at Götsch Dental Technology in Ravensburg, Federal republic of germany
  • Since 1995, has served as a course leader and speaker at national and international conferences and seminars
  • Since 1998, has provided consistent implementation of biological prosthetics in daily practice with Physiodens
  • Since 2002, has tought life-patient courses together with Dr. Stop in Federal republic of germany, USA, Canada, Southward Korea and Slovenia.
  • Author of various technical articles on total prosthetics and aesthetics in removable prosthetics in the international professional person press

 To the video "My perfect match"

 To the video VITA PHYSIODENS - Alive DEMOS

Dental technician

Gandia Monzalvett, Alberto

Genctürk, Ömer

Prof. Dr.

Hassel, Alexander

  • Associate Professor at the Policlinic for Dental Prosthetics of the University of Heidelberg
  • Operation of the Mannheim Dental Exercise Clinic (Prof. Dr. Hassel and Dr. Hunecke)
  • Research focus: Foundational research on tooth shades, electronic tooth shade determination (Easyshade), Enamic
  • Numerous international publications on shade pick and shade communication likewise as research projects on the VITA 3D-Principal Organization and VITA Easyshade

Heeren, Marita

  • Professional person photographer. Training as photographer in Oldenburg, Germany.
  • Since 1993 management of a renowned Oldenburg portrait studio
  • 1994 Primary's Examination in Bremen, Deutschland: Entry into digital photography specializing in people and artistic nudes.
  • Focus on the fields of digital photography, prototype editing with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom
  • 2011 Specialization in professional dental photography

Hoppe, Franz

Tätigkeiten in verschiedenen Laboratorien in den United states of america Kurstechniker Prof. Gutowski Seit 2005 zertif. Fachlabor für Implantologie Referent für VITA und Nobel Biocare preferred Partner Labor Nobel Biocare

Jaén, Rafa

Dental Technician

Kadolsky, Andrea

  • 1987: completed training every bit dental technician in Saarbrücken (Frg)
  • 1988 – 1992: dental technician in different laboratories and dental practices in Frg, Italy and France
  • 1993 – 2008: teaching dental technology at the vocational school of Versailles
  • 1996: completion of Master'south examination (IV)
  • 1998: completion of teaching license at University of Aix-en-Provence (France)
  • Since 2008: specialist consultant for France (Paris and Normandy region) at VITA.

Dental technician

Karbowiak, Hubert

  • Working at CFX pracownia techniki dentystycznej in Poland

  • Winner of SCAD Larsen-Chu Awards

Dental Technician

Körholz, Karl-Heinz

  • Specialized in the field of total prosthetics for 35 years
  • Founder of the TiF set up-upwardly technique
  • Author of two professional books and numerous manufactures in the national and international professional person press
  • Since the cease of 2009, owner of the TRIGOdental laboratory for individual and functional full prosthetics in Königswinter bei Bonn, Germany
  • In collaboration with dental practices: provides prosthetic restoration and aftercare directly in individual residences, senior homes and hospitals

To the video "My perfect match"

Master Dental Technician

Kozian, Jörg

  • 1990 - 2001 Dental Technician
  • 2001 test equally a Master Dental Technician
  • 2001-2002 employed as Dental Technician in a dental laboratory
  • 2002 - 2013 laboratory management of a joint practice
  • since Apr 2013 technical sales consultant at VITA Zahnfabrik
  • since Jan 2019 form instructor at VITA Zahnfabrik

Dr. med. paring.

Martínez, José


Mau, Knut Marcus

  • 1997 state test in dentistry at the University of Freiburg
  • 1997 – 2000 Banana Doctor in Merzhausen, Deutschland
  • Since 2000 private practice in Tuttlingen, Germany
  • Specializes in the field of aesthetic, conservative tooth restoration
  • Regular continuing education in all fields of dentistry

To the video "My perfect match"

Dr. med. dent.

Ortiz, Miguel A.

  • Dr. Miguel A. Ortiz,DMD, M.Southward.
  • Dental technician since 2002
  • Bachelor of Science caste in Biochemistry from California State University
  • Dr. Leo Talkov Honor for excellence in clinical dentistry at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine
  • Doctorate of Dental Medicine (DMD) at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine
  • Prosthodontist since 2017, University of Illinois at Chicago

 Instagram:  dr_miguel_ortiz

Dental technician

Ortiz Tartaglia, Carlos

Chief Dental Technician

Pizzi, Peter

  • Lecturer for both doctors and technicians throughout the Us, Europe and Asia
  • Member of the American University of Esthetic Dentistry
  • Graduate, Recognized Specialist and Mentor of the Kois Centre for dental excellence
  • Board member of ASMDT (Association of Primary Dental Technicians)
  • Instructor and educator in Master Dental Technician plan (New York Academy)
  • Technical Swain and Executive Board Fellow member of the Northeastern Gnathological Society
  • Kinesthesia, NYU School of Dentistry International Esthetics Program
  • Coeditor in principal of IDT (Inside Dental Applied science)
  • Fellow member of the editorial lath of the international magazine Spectrum Dialogue

 To the video My perfect match. VITA VM 9

 To the video VITA VM 9 – Live DEMOS

Plata Vega, Carlos

Dental technician

Prosperino, Michele

  • Diploma in Dental Engineering from IPSIA of San Benedetto Del Throne (AP) in 1995.
  • In 1996 he began his career as a collaborator in various laboratories as a dental technician.
  • Opened his own workshop in Monte Sant'Angelo (Italy), devoting himself mainly to the solution of cases of cosmetic implants.
  • He passes on his cognition in courses and conferences in Italia and away.
  • Member of several international scientific societies of dental organisations.
  • Member of the international group "Damaged Goods" DENTAL TECHNICIANS GUILD.
  • Currently, he is working on a personal project of a volume for dental technicians "CDS philosophy of dental ceramic organization".
  • In his laboratory, he is dedicated mainly to the solution of complicated cases in aesthetics, implantology and periodontal.

Dr. med. dent.

Reiger, Andreas

  • 2001 – 2006 Written report of dental medicine in Heidelberg
  • 2007 – 2009 Residency in the practice for oral surgery and dentistry of Dr. Constanze Raffelt, Heilbronn
  • 2009 Awarded a doctoral caste (Dr. med. dent.)
  • 2009 Establishment in private practise in the joint practice for oral surgery and dentistry of Dr. Raffelt & Dr. Reiger
  • Since 2014, established in individual practice in the articulation do "Zahnissimo® GbR" – Oral Surgery & Dentistry, Talheim
  • since 2022 CEREC mentor for the DGCZ (High german Association for Computer-supported Dentistry)
  • freelance CEREC trainer, beta tester for Sirona CEREC SW, materials tester for VITA Zahnfabrik

Dr. med. dent.

Reuss, Jose Manuel

Rihs, Hervé

Rodriguez, Pedro Pablo

Dental technician

Rosello Camps, Ignasi

Dental Technician

Rosenbusch, Martina

  • 1984 Journeyman'south Examination in the dental technician field
  • 1984 – 1993 Practical piece of work in various commercial laboratories in Germany
  • Since 1993 employee/course leader for VITA Zahnfabrik, nationally and internationally
  • Specialization: Ceramics, CAD/CAM technology and full prosthetics

Dental Technicians

Rutten, Luc & Patrick

  • 1979 Degree in dental technology, received their Master's certificates.
  • Own laboratory in Tessenderlo, Belgium specializing in ceramics and aesthetic implantology.
  • International Newcomers of the year in 1990.
  • International speakers for Nobel Biocare (as well equally members of the "Proficient Advisory Board") and of VITA Zahnfabrik for which Luc and Patrick Rutten also human activity equally a pilote laboratory.
  • Founding members of the International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine.
  • Affiliates of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED).
  • Skillful members of the FOR – Foundation of Oral Rehabilitation.
  • On the experts' committees of the professional person journals "dental dialogue" and "Teamwork" (Teamwork Media/German (Fuchstal) and Italian (Brescia)), "Spectrum Dialogue" (Palmeri Publishing/CA-Markham, Ontario), "European Periodical of Dental Implantologists" (Germany, Bonn).
  • Teach courses and lectures in Europe, Commonwealth of australia, Republic of india, Columbia, United mexican states, New Zealand, Kingdom of saudi arabia, Nippon, Israel, South Africa and the USA.
  • Authors and co-authors of numerous professional person publications on dental technology.


Salazar Bergamo, Dr. Alejandro

Dr. med. paring.

Stamnitz, Bernhild Elke

  • Since 2004 private dental practice in Langen, Deutschland and CEREC user
  • Internationally certified CEREC trainer (ISCD)
  • International speaker for VITA Zahnfabrik
  • Memberships in DGCZ and AG ceramics, among others
  • Numerous publications on the subjects of CEREC and digital dentistry


Steinbrenner, Harald

  • 1989-1995: Zahnmedizinstudium und Staatsexamen, Universität Heidelberg
  • 1995: PromoCon, Universität Heidelberg
  • 1995-1998: Assistenzzahnarzt, Abteilung für Zahnerhaltung, Universität Heidelberg
  • Seit 1995: Cerec- Anwender
  • Seit 1998: Niederlassung in eigener Praxis in Heppenheim
  • Seit 2002: Cerec- Erprobungszahnarzt
  • 2006: Zweiter Preis für das beste Affiche, Cerec-20-Jahrestagung in Berlin
  • Seit 2014: InternaConal zerCfizierter Cerec- Trainer ISCD
  • Seit 2015: Cerec- Mentor

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.

Strub, Jörg

  • Born 1948
  • Received a doctoral degree (Dr. med. paring.) from the University of Zurich (Switzerland) in 1975 and qualified equally a professor there in 1985
  • In 2008 he was awarded an honorary degree (Dr. h. c.) by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Hellenic republic
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at Tulane University, Dept. of Biomaterials, und Louisiana State University, Dept. of Dental Materials, in New Orleans (U.s.a.) from 1982 to 1983
  • Professor and medical director at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry from 1988 to 2022 and Dean of Dental Studies at Albert-Ludwig Academy, Freiburg (Germany) from 2005 to 2016
  • Professor Emeritus of Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg (Germany) since October 2016
  • Continues to piece of work in a private practice and equally a consultant for businesses


Tholey, Michael

  • Trained as a dental technician with 10 years of work experience
  • Graduate Engineer (Dipl. Ing. FH) of Dental Technology and specialist in questions on bonding ceramic systems
  • Responsible for the development and quality assurance/command of veneering ceramics and their accessories at VITA Zahnfabrik
  • Numerous publications, lectures worldwide

Dental technician

Vera, Luis Miguel

Vives, Roberto

Dental Technician

Wagenseil, Marc

  • Certified VITA Global Trainer
  • Professional person licensed dental technician and denturist at the Northern Alberta Found of Technology (NAIT), Canada
  • 30 years of self-employed applied experience in a dental lab (Heritage Denture Lab and Denture Middle, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
  • In-depth work with functional occlusion designs regarding consummate, combined and implant-supported denture rehabilitations

To the video "My perfect match"

Dental technician

Yamamoto, Bear witness

  • 1980 Certification every bit a Dental Technician, Ehime
  • 2001 Caput of VOCE Ceramist Club
  • 2006 Caput of VOCE C.C Claymore
  • 2007 Open BeR (art & experience) in Shinjuku, Tokyo
  • 2002 Certification as a photograph instructor of Dental Photoclub
  • 2006 A fellow member of 'fine art & experience ', chaired by Mr. Claude Siever.
  • Certificated a CAMLOG implant instructor.
  • Advisory staff of D.F.S.
  • 2007 Certification as a Masterlab of VITA
  • 2008 Nominated BEGO Crown Bridge Ambassador
  • 2009 Certified trainer of Nippon Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
  • 2010 Artex - AmmanGirbach instructor, HAKUSUI
  • 2011 Technical instructor of CEREC, Sirona
  • 2011 TESCO instructor
  • 2013 Certification as a VITA International Speaker
  • 2015 Certification equally an Active Members of International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine
  • Over 100 articles accept been contributed in Dental magazines both in Germany and Japan, for example 'QZ - Deutschland 'and 'QDT – Japan '.

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